Tuesday, June 14, 2016

How to setup Adsense Page-level ads in Blogger? How to fix the errors?

Hey Everybody,

Today I'm going to tell you step by step what you need to do for implementing Page-Level ads on Blogger. There are already some blogs about it but I'm also going to help with the most common errors while implementing the Page-level ads.

So what are Page-level ads? 

Page-Level ads are ads which will be shown on mobile devices and are currently in beta but are rolled out and available for use for all adsense users. These ads will help you monitize your websites via mobile just like the mobile apps with Google Admob ads.

What you should know about Page-level ads:Some interesting facts about Page-level Ads:

- They are show via Adsense at optimal times which will increase your revenue
- There are two ad formats: anchor/overlay ads and vignettes
- They don't count towards your 3 ads per page limit
- The are only displayed on mobile-optimized sites

How to implement the new Page-level ads?
  1. Log in on your Adsense account

  2. Go to My ads and choose Page-level ads:

  3.  Activate the Page-level ads thus both Anchor/overlay ads and Vignette ads:
  4. Scroll down a bit and click on "Get code":

  5.  Copy your code:
  6. Go to blogger => your blog => Template => Backup your Template first!
  7.  Click on the Edit HTML and search for the code <head> and </head>

  8.  Paste your code from adsense after <head> and before </head>. The code needs to be pasted into the "head" section.

    • You will now receive the following error:

    • Replace in the code the async by async='' (this is ' '):

      <script async='' src='//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js'/>
    • After changing the async part it is possible that you receive the following error:

      Error parsing XML, line 1838, column 23: Element type "script" must be followed by either    attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".
    • Got to the end of this script line:<script async=" src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"> and remove the > (green) at the end of thel ine (behind .js") and place it back!

  9. Save your template and you are done

Testing your Page-level ads:

If you have done all the above steps then your Page-level ads are activated. It is now time to test them.

  1. Visit your blog with a mobile device to test the ads.
  2. In the address bar of your mobile browser, add #googleads to the end of your blog's URL. For example in our case: www.myreviewedproducts.com#googleads.
  3. Now you can choose on the top (above your blog) which ads you want to see. You can select Anchor/overlay or Vignette:

  4. If you see them then they are working! Good luck with it!

If you find this post usefull and it helped you in any way then please share and give comments!
Thanks for reading!



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